N.O.S. Main Mission:
"...tear away the mask from Freemasonry."
Pope Leo XIII, Humanum
Profile of Saint Nicholas Owen
"For from the rising of the sun even to the going
down, my name is great among the Gentiles: and in
every place is offered in my name a clean
oblation Malachi 11, DRV
[in the notes of the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible,
it's written: "Ver. 11 A clean oblation .
The precious body and blood of Christ in the
Eucharistic sacrifice".
This is an Old Testament
prophecy made long before the time
of Christ and speaks of a
pure and perfect
sacrifice made daily around the world by gentiles. Catholics
believe this refers to the daily sacrifice of the
Catholic mass, which is performed around the world, from the
rising to the setting of the sun.]
Born in Oxfordshire, Saint Nicholas Owen died in
the Tower of London, 2 March, 1606. In that year,
during the reign of King
James I of England and VI of Scotland, in
whose honor the
James Bible is named, new anti-Catholic laws
were passed to do away with the daily sacrifice
of the Catholic Mass.
Throughout England, to say Mass or to attend
Mass, to make a convert to Catholicism or to be a
convert, were all punishable by death. An oath
asserting that the English monarchy was the
supreme head of the English Church, not the Pope,
remained mandatory for all persons of whatever
rank. Catholic priests charged with any the
aforementioned illegal activities were hunted,
imprisoned, sometimes tortured. Thus it became
necessary for faithful Catholics priests who
performed the Mass to do so secretly; hideouts
were needed to conceal the priests, and Nicholas
Owen made the best of them.
Often called "Little John" because of his
diminutive stature, Nicholas Owen has frequently
been called John Owen in error. Owen was the son
of an Oxfordshire carpenter, and was himself a
skilled builder and joiner prior to entering the
Society of Jesus as a coadjutor around 1577.
Henry More refers to him as one of the first
English lay-brothers.
He returned to England with Gerard in 1588,
landing on the Norfolk coast. Around this time he
began building hiding places for the Jesuit
priests. The earliest examples of his work can be
found at Oxburgh in East Anglia, Braddocks and
Sawston. There are over a hundred examples of his
work throughout central England, although he
concentrated on a few specific areas. His work,
and the cleverness with which it was executed,
saved many a priest from the gallows. His work
was most prominent at Hindlip, where he built no
less than eleven secret hiding places for its
owner Thomas Habington, including the one that
Owen himself used in the few days leading up to
his capture.
Owen was captured on more than one occasion,
although he avoided giving the authorities any
clue as to his true identity and thus was
released. In 1594 he was transferred from the
Marshalsea to the Tower, from which he escaped.
He is said to have orchestrated the escape of
Gerard from the Tower in 1597. He managed to
evade the authorities for another nine years
until the discovery of the Gunpowder Plot. He was
with Henry Garnet, Father Edward Oldcorne, and
Chambers at Hindlip when Henry Bromley arrived on
20 January 1606 with orders to search the house
for priests and others involved in the Plot. Owen
hid with Chambers at this time, and Garnet with
Oldcorne. On the morning of 23 January, due to
lack of food, Owen and Chambers emerged from
their hiding place. In time, Garnet and Oldcorne
were also captured. Little John was interrogated
for the first time on 26 February, at which time
he told the authorities nothing, denying his
knowledge of Garnet, Oldcorne, and even remained
vague about his own aliases. By the time of his
second confession, long and painful sessions in
the manacles had severely deteriorated his
physical condition, and he admitted to attending
Garnet at Hindlip and White Webbs, but never gave
a single detail on any of the hiding places he
had spent his life building. His physical
condition at this second interrogation may be
judged by the fact that "that his stomach had to
be bound together with an iron plate" He was
threatened with further torture, but died soon
after on 2 March, 1606 before this could take
place. One report on his death stated "they
tortured him with such inhuman ferocity that his
stomach burst open and his intestines gushed
The Government published the story that Owen had
taken his own life, but this was clearly untrue:
the ordeal had simply been too much for Owen's
frail body to withstand. It has also been
suggested that the infirmities he suffered during
the latter parts of the sixteenth century were as
a result of incarceration. Both Garnet and Gerard
wrote poignant eulogies on Owen's interesting
life and agreed that without his skill, many of
them would not have survived as long as they did.
In 1970, the Catholic Church recognised Nicholas
Owen as a martyr, and he was canonised.
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The prophet Daniel, speaking of the end times of
tribulation, wrote of the king of the North, who
is widely regarded by Bible students to be the
anti-Christ, as follows:
"he shall be grieved, and return, and have
indignation against the holy covenant
[the new and holy blood Covenant of the New Testament established
by Jesus Christ at the last supper?]
...he shall even
return, and have intelligence with them that
forsake the holy covenant [the Judeo-Christians
in the apostate churches, who implicitly deny the sufficiency of
Christ's blood to atone for sin by supporting
Judaism's planned return of
old covenant animal blood sacrifices?]
they shall
polute the santuary of strength [the Spiritual
temple which is the body of Christ?]
, and shall
take away the daily sacrifice
[the daily sacrifice of the Catholic mass?]
, and they shall
place the abomination that maketh desolate." --
Daniel 11:31
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