"Later, in California, he
(Gorbachev) shared a stage with William Shatner,
before beaming his 'global ethic' sermonette to a
global television audience from the Reverend
Robert Schuler's famous Crystal Cathedral. 'I
know that he calls himself an atheist,' Rev.
Schuller said, but Schuller believed,
nonetheless, that God had used Gorbachev 'in a
mighty way.' And he hoped that one day the former
Communist dictator would become 'a man of
faith.' Jasper, "The United Nations Exposed,
page 253
Some of the most popular Protestant and Catholic
teachers are said to be Freemasons.
"Robert Schuller, good friends with many 33rd
Degree Freemasons such as Billy Graham, Norman
Vincent Peale, John Wayne, W.Clement Stone and
also Rich DeVos, the founder and chairman of
Amway Corporation. He also names John Wimber of
the Vineyard-Toronto churches as one of.the top
ten ministers on the planet. Schuller was helped
into ministry by Masonic brother Graham."
Robert Schuller 33rd Degree Freemason involved
with the Illuminati
by Fritz Springmeier
There are a number of important "powerful" (in
their own eyes) Christian clergymen, who are
Freemasons. These men collaborate with each
other. Once one of them is established in a
famous ministry they use their established
ministry to birth (to launch) someone else into
prominence. This is an overview on Robert
Schuller and his ties to this group.
I originally concluded that Robert Schuller was a
Freemason based on: a.Testimony/claims of
individuals b.How he worked within this pack of
Masonic clergymen c.The fact that certain
photographs showed him doing Masonic handshakes
with other Masons. I used to have one. I suggest
that a person examine past photos of him with the
"right" people, and you may well also find a
Masonic handshake. I concluded he is a Freemason.
This was a conclusion I came to in 1991. It seems
that years later, I saw a Masonic reference to
his membership, but since I had already concluded
he was a Mason, I didn't take the effort to keep
track of this reference. I also felt that his own
anti-Biblical teachings (which are openly taught)
should scare Christians away from the man.
Although it is significant that he is a
Freemason, what is more significant is that he
promotes Masonic doctrine. (I said the same about
Charles T. Russell, but the response back to me
by individuals was that I was wrong, they
contended that the membership is more important
than what the man does. How people can think this
way boggles my mind. I am much more concerned
with what a man does, rather than the labels he
puts on himself.)
In material that is authorized by Robert Schuller
I's ministry, it is stated that Norman Vincent
Peale was his mentor and "close friend". For
documentation on this see Nason, Michael and
Donna Nason. Robert Schuller: The Inside Story
(Waco: Word Books, 1983, p. 61) Schuller often
praised Norman Vincent Peale, for instance, in
his Hour of Prophecy Show of April 2, '89, which
had a clip of Peale. Less than a month after
Peale died, Schuller did a show on Jan. 16, '94,
where Schuller talked with tears about how Peale
had been his mentor and his inspiration. Peale
was more than that. Peale helped his ministry
over the years.
Who was Norman Vincent Peale? I have the Scottish
Rite Magazine that shows Peale's picture in the
Scottish Rite's House of the Temple in the
Scottish Rite's Hall of Honor. Norman Vincent
Peale's 33 degree membership was not kept secret.
He was also a Shriner (Imperial Grand Chaplain of
the Shrine). Billy Graham's Christianity Today
gave Peale positive publicity. In Billy Graham's
New York Crusade the larger number of people who
came forward (373) were sent to Peale's Marble
Collegiate Church. The second largest group of
new converts (135) were sent to the Rockefeller's
Riverside Church, whose pastor was an infidel.
Peale's gospel was the gospel of Positive
Thinking, and he taught visualization and other
techniques that are important for people to
function under the Illuminati's trauma-based
total mind-control programming. In other words,
he was enhancing their mind-control of their
victims in the general population. Peale promoted
a number of different religions and methods from
other religions such as TM and witchcraft, and he
consistently criticized traditional Christianity.
Peale was very close to the Unity School in
Kansas City, and so was Schuller. I knew a man
who had taught at the Unity School before he
became a Christian. He told me that he had
personally witnessed Robert Schuller perform a
Luciferian initiation ceremony at the Unity
School, and that Robert Schuller knew what he was
doing. I also happened to bump into two men in
Kansas one day (this was in the '80's, before I
was exposing all this stuff) and as we talked
they wanted to talk about something very
frightening that they had experienced. They had
bumped into Satanic Rituals going on at night
near the Unity School, and were chased by these
Satanists and barely escaped. Norman Vincent
Peale was also part of the Pilgrim Society (which
is an Illuminati front) reserved for higher up
Illuminati members. Peale and Billy Graham are
close friends.
Armand Hammer (whose father Julius named his
first name after the Communists arm and hammer
symbol) was Jewish and the top man for the
Communists under Lenin and Stalin in the United
States. I spent several days as the guest of a
woman who had been programmed with Illuminati
mind-control to be a sexual slave for Armand
Hammer. This convinced me that it was no accident
that Armand Hammer was great friends of the
European Rothschilds, and many other prominent
Illuminati members. It clearly showed me what
seemed obvious anyway, the man was Illuminati. It
helps explain why J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon,
and many other supposedly anti-Communists were
friendly with Hammer. William Casey (once head of
the CIA) while he was head of the Export-Import
Bank was in favor of Hammer activities in Russia,
and in 1974 loaned Russia $216 million dollars on
unprofitable ventures that Hammer wanted to carry
out in Russia. In 1966, when the Arabs found out
that Hammer was Jewish, he nominally joined a
Unitarian church so that he could claim he wasn't
Jewish. This man, Armand Hammer, was the man who
got Robert Schuller into Russia and regularly
onto Russian T.V.
Robert Schuller taught a Masonic gospel. Schuller
told Moslems that if he, Schuller, came back in
100 years and found his descendants to be Moslems
it wouldn't bother him. The Record (Spring, 1997)
reports that 80 homosexual pastors and lay
leaders from the Metropolitan Community Churches
participated in Schuller's 1997 Robert Schuller
Institute for Successful Church Leadership.
Masons within the Masonic lodges know that
Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham and others are
Freemasons. They have been reported saying so to
other Masons, and to Christians. For instance,
some friends of mine went to a Masonic open house
where they were trying to impress new comers
(probably hoping for new recruits) and one of the
Masons boasted that Billy Graham was a Freemason.
My friends were very impressed because it
confirmed what they had read in my material.
Prominent Masonic Clergymen who hide their
Masonic membership would include: Kenneth
Copeland, Billy Graham, and Oral Roberts.
Kenneth Copeland has shaken hands with Masons
with Masonic handshakes, and placed the Masonic
Square &Compass on his tapes and books. His
daughter has her picture on the cover of "Shout"
(Copeland's magazine for kids) wearing an upside
down star, which represents both Baphomet
(Lucifer/Satan) and the Masonic Women's Eastern
Star. Kenneth Copeland started his ministry under
Oral Roberts. Oral Roberts was, in turn, started
out by Billy Graham. (Oral Roberts admits that
Graham got him started in one of his books,
Miracle of Seed Faith, p. 9). I have spent time
with victims of Illuminati mind-control who were
Satanic Ritual Abuse victims in ceremonies led by
Oral Roberts. I would say about half a dozen
people who could give personal details of how
Oral Roberts is a Satanist have talked (confided)
with me. They also would talk about his Masonic
membership. There is a large number of hurting
people who are SRA and DID. These people live in
different parts of the country, and have never
seen each other, but have personal accounts that
collaborate each other.
Where these 3 Masonic Clergymen expose themselves
is what they have said that is heretical, what
they have said that is obviously mind-control
triggers for Illuminati mind-control, and the
infidels and heretics that they embrace who are
best of friends with them. The financing for
these men shows that men like Armand Hammer,
William Randolph Hearst, the Rockefellers and
numerous others of similar ilk are willing to
support them with large donations/and or help.
Part of the proof of who Robert Schuller, Billy
Graham, and Oral Roberts is seen when one
assembles the pieces of the puzzle as to what
they are doing. An accumulation of evidence then
piles up that is so vast, that it is clear that
these men are dirty. Robert Schuller is on the
public record as denying all the beliefs of
Christianity. He is only a "Christian" if one
redefines Christian to be just the opposite of
what it used to mean. For anyone who wants to
comprehend that Schuller does not teach Christian
doctrine, I suggest they simply compare his
teachings to the Bible. Billy Graham, Oral
Roberts, and Kenneth Copeland are usually more
subtle, (but not always). Billy Graham openly
said we should embrace the New World Order.
Copeland openly said that the Romans had anal sex
with Christ. Roberts openly said his fantastic
vision, that brought him so much ridicule. The
man who "saved" Roberts was not a Christian. The
man who Graham says initially told him to become
a Christian minister was the head of the Jesuits,
Malachi Martin, who I know to be an Illuminati
mind-control programmer. There are plenty of off
color things about these men, if one has the
clear thinking to see the blatant off color
facts. But most people think that the world's
establishment news will tell them the truth. When
Billy Graham is rated the most popular respected
man in America for several years, the herd
instinct of the sheeple is to idolize the man.
Then when this idol of a man tells us Oral
Roberts is a great man of God, the sheeple
swallow that one too. It all works together, and
all these men work together.
I do not think most Christians can think clearly
and with critical thinking. I say this because
Billy Graham has openly supported Norman Vincent
Peale and Robert Schuller. Both of these men
preach a gospel of positive thinking, and openly
defy the doctrines of the Bible. All three of
these men preach ecumenicalism and participate in
Ecumenical meetings and ecumenical groups. They
are also in favor of a One-World-Religion, which
does not teach Christ as the only way of
salvation. Because I am centering on Robert
Schuller, this article will not go into the
fullness of what these other men have done. In
light of what I know these men are doing, their
reported 33 degree memberships in the Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry seem trivial. Peale,
Schuller, and Roberts are Illuminati. Graham is
used by the Illuminati, and has participated in
Luciferian rituals. It is hard to conceive that
they would use him so much, (and he knows they
use him by the way), if he were not also a
member. Since there is a small possibility he is
primarily just blackmailed, without being a
member, I might entertain a small doubt about
whether he is actually a member. Copeland
participates in the Illuminati's mind-control
over people, and is also I suspect one of their
members. These men don't want to taint their
Madison avenue images by revealing their Scottish
Rite memberships, but they have much darker
secrets than their Scottish Rite memberships.
The Double Headed Eagle of the Scottish Rite,
33rd Degree Of Freemasonry
(Above) Here we have the symbol for the 33rd
Degree of Freemasonry see Scottish Rite link
The picture above, being a statue of the 33rd
Degree of Freemasonry's Double Headed Eagle, was
actually released by Robert Schuller's own
ministry. It was sent to people who pledged $600
or more to his program 'Churches Uniting in
Global Mission' and was shown in the Hour of
Power News Extra edition. It claimed this program
included churches of all denominations and
referred to the program as "this networking". I
would appreciate getting my hands on a better
image of this eagle and also Masonic handshake
pictures of Illuminati. Please email to
cultbusters@softhome.net with more information.
This is the way Masons communicate to others
about their membership through symbols and I
believe this is what Schuller is doing.
Compiled by Jim Fox 07-13-92
Note: This file is still being worked on, the
Biblical refutations to Robert Schuller's
statements are still in the process of being
worked on. I would urge any of you who read this
file in this preliminary stage to search the
Scriptures as the Bereans in Acts 17:11 did.
1. Explains Philippians 2:7,8
"Jesus knew his worth, his success fed his
self-esteem.... He suffered the cross to sanctify
his self-esteem. And he bore the cross to
sanctify your self-esteem. And the cross will
sanctify the ego trip!" (Living Positively One
Day at a Time, p.201)
2. "A person is in hell when he has lost his
self-esteem." (Self-Esteem, The New Reformation,
3. Obviously he does not accept 1 Timothy 1:15,
Luke 5:32 "I don't think anything has been done
in the name of Christ that and under the banner
of Christianity that has proven more destructive
to human personality and, hence,
counterproductive to the evangelism
enterprise than the often crude, uncouth, and
unchristian strategy of attempting to make people
aware of their lost and sinful condition."
(Time, March 18, 1985)
4. "I discovered the reality of that dynamic
dimension in prayer that comes through
visualizing..... Don't try to understand it. Just
start to enjoy it! It's true. It works. I tried
it." (The Fourth Dimension, Foreword)
5. "Now-Believe and You Will Achieve" (Tough
Times Never Last, But Tough People DO, p. 161)
6. "You don't know what power you have within
you!... You make the world into anything you
choose. Yes, you can make your world into
whatever you want it to be." (Possibility
Thinking: Goals, Amway Corporation
cassette tape)
7. "A variety of approaches to meditation...is
employed by many different religions as well as
by various non-religious mind- control systems.
In all forms... TM, Zen Buddhism, or Yoga or...
mediation... of
Judaeo-Christian tradition... the meditator
endeavors to overcome the distractions of the
conscious mind...."
"It is important to remember that meditation in
any form is the harnessing, by human means, of
God's divine laws.... We are endowed with a great
many powers and forces that we do not yet fully
"The most effective mantras employ the "M" sound.
You can get the feel of it by repeating the
words, "I am, I am," many times over....
Transendental Meditation or TM... is not a
religion nor is it necessarily anti-Christian."
(Peace of Mind Through Possibility
Thinking, pp. 131-32)
8. Robert Schuller was addressing a group of
Unity ministers and ministers in training, at the
Unity School of Christianity (a Mind-science
Schuller was asked, "Dr. Schuller, we hear a lot
of talk these days about the New Age, the Age of
Aquarius, the type of New Age thinking that we
are involved in with Holistic healing and various
other things that are part of what is called the
New Age. Will you describe the role of what you
might consider the New Age minister in the '80s
and beyond?"
Schuller replied, "Well, I think it depends upon
where you're working. I believe that the
responsibility in this Age is to "positivize"
religion. Now this probably doesn't have much
bearing to you people, being Unity people, you're
positive. But I talk a great deal to groups that
are not positive... even to what we would call
Fundamentalists who deal constantly with words
like sin, salvation, repentance, guilt, that sort
of thing."
"So when I'm dealing with these people... what we
have to do is positivize the words that have
classically only had a negative
interpretation." (from an address at Unity
Village, Unity tape) 9. Schuller declares that
this new reformation requires that a new
interpretation of the cross is needed.
"The classical interpretation of this teaching of
Christ on 'bearing our cross' desperately needs
"The cross Christ calls us to bear will be
offered as a dream... an inspiring idea that
would incarnate itself in a form of ministry that
helps the self-esteem-impoverished persons to
discover their self-worth through salvation and
subsequent social service in our Savior's
"So the proclamation of possibility thinking is
the positive proclamation of the cross!..."
"Christ was the world's greatest possibility
thinker. Do we dare follow him?" (Self-Esteem,
pp. 22, 117-19)
10. "If the gospel of Jesus Christ can be
proclaimed as a theology of self-esteem, imagine
the health this could generate in society!"
(Self-Esteem, p. 47)
11. "Are we aware that theology has failed to
accommodate and apply proven insights in human
behavior as revealed by twentieth- century
psychologists?" (Self-Esteem, p. 27)
12. "Self-love is a crowning sense of self-worth.
It is an ennobling emotion of self-respect... an
abiding faith in yourself. It is sincere belief
in yourself."
"It comes through self-discovery,
self-discipline, self- forgiveness and
self-acceptance. It produces self-reliance, self-
confidence and an inner security, calm as the
night." (Self-Love, The Dynamic Force of Success,
p. 32)
13. Schuller describes a basic defect in modern
Christianity. "What is that basic flaw? I believe
is it the failure to proclaim the gospel in a way
that can satisfy every person's deepest need -
one's spiritual hunger for glory. Rather than
glorify God's highest creation - the human being
- Christian liturgies,, hymns, prayers, and
scriptural interpretations have often
insensitively and destructively offended the
dignity of the person..." (Self-Esteem, p. 31)
14. "Where the sixteenth-century Reformation
returned our focus to sacred Scriptures as the
only infallible rule for faith and practice, the
new reformation will return our focus to the
sacred right of every person to self-esteem!"
(Self-Esteem, p. 38)
15. "Real self-esteem is real humility. Healthy
pride and honest humility are the same human
qualities - just different sides of the same
coin. We all welcome affirmation and resent being
insulted." (Self-Esteem, p. 174)
16. Schuller has decided that pride is this great
thing that we all need to strive for. However God
lead Israel through the wilderness in order to
humble them and break them of their pride (Deut
"A neurotic fear of pride has motivated the
church too long.... In my lecture to thousands of
ordained clergy of the widest cross section of
historic Christianity, I have found it necessary
to tell my colleagues:"
"Dare to be a possibility thinker! Do not fear
pride; the easiest job God has is to humble us.
God's almost impossible task is to keep us
believing every hour of the day how great we are
as his sons and daughters on planet earth."
"Don't worry about humility. The easiest job God
has to do is to keep you an me humble. God's
biggest job is to get us to believe that we are
somebody and that we really can do something...."
"Remember, 'If your pride is rooted in your
divine call, your humility is assured. The Cross
will sanctify your ego trip.'... For the Cross
protected our Lord's perfect self-esteem from
turning into sinful pride." (Self-Esteem,
p. 57, 74)
17. "Are we to believe that self-denial means the
denial of personal pleasure, desire, fulfillment,
prosperity? For too long religious
leaders have suggested this with tragic
results...." "Such attitudes are dangerous
distortions and destructive mis- interpretations
of scattered Bible verses grossly misread by
negative-thinking Bible readers who project their
own negative self-image onto the pages of Holy
"By self-denial Christ does not mean the
rejection of that positive emotion we call
self-esteem - the joy of experiencing my
self-worth...." (Self-Esteem, p.113-15)
18. Since self-esteem is of all importance with
Schuller, he tries to draw the conclusion that an
object is worth what the price with which it was
bought, in our case since Christ died for us on
the cross, we now are of infinite value.
"I must be of infinite value in God's sight"
(Self-Esteem, p. 74)
"In his crucifixion, Christ has placed unlimited
value on the human soul." (Self-Esteem, p. 102)
19. We now have a new definition of the
atonement! "If the deepest curse of sin is what
it does to our self-esteem, then the atoning
power of the Cross is what it does to redeem our
discarded self-worth." (Self-Esteem, p. 101)
20. "I may not deserve it [salvation] but I am
worth it so don't say that I am unworthy."
(Self-Esteem, p. 74)
21. No one is an unworthy sinner according to
Schuller, see Luke 15:21 and Romans 3:23 to see
if this is true.
"The most serious sin is the one that causes me
to say, 'I am unworthy. I may have no claim to
divine sonship if you examine me at my worst.'"
"For once a person believes he is an 'unworthy
sinner,' it is doubtful if he can really honestly
accept the saving grace God offers in Jesus
Christ." (Self-Esteem, p. 98)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - Another famous Masonic preacher is
Jesse Jackson, according to a Masonic web site I
[According to
Texe Marrs,
of Power of Prophecy
Ministry, Pat Robertson, who wrote a 1991 New York
Times best seller that warned of the New World
Order, remains loyal to his father's
Judeo-Masonic illuminati